True or false
An abstraction on humanism generating value. A work about Identity and contextual connections inspired by the principles of Swarm Intelligence (SI)

Calibration | 2020
True or False | Info sheet 2021
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“True or false”
An abstraction on humanism generating value. A work about Identity and contextual connections inspired by the principles of Swarm Intelligence (SI)

About True or False
A description only intended for those who want to know how the artist intended the work!
True or False is a 7 part inspired by the principles of Swarm Intelligence. In the work, I experiment with new symbolism in my visual language. In addition to the Imprint technique in which textile threads are incorporated and which symbolize a landscape of connectedness, a number of new concepts have been incorporated.
Mirror balls
First, there are the mirror balls that form a kind of three-dimensional all-seeing eye in which everything from the environment is mirrored. Who is mirrored is seen!
An icon is also depicted on each canvas. This abstract representation of a human symbolizes the disappearance of cultural diversity due to globalism and is inspired by the icons that appear in the absence of an online profile picture.
All 7 canvases are made up of the 4 printing colours Cyan, Magenta, yellow and black, also known as CMYK. This limitation and ordering of colour is a
“True or false”
An abstraction on humanism generating value. A work about Identity and contextual connections inspired by the principles of Swarm Intelligence (SI)
a metaphor for the reduction within a contemporary technological society in which life is represented in a simplified and abstracted way.
The middle larger canvas between the 6 smaller canvases has the name Mother This work, like all other works, is only slightly larger. This increase in scale evokes the suggestion of togetherness as if the 6 other canvases come together in this.
Title explanation
The title True or False refers to the coding of computers in which the world is reduced to 2 values of data: true or false.
Lawrence Kwakye December 2020