Nothingness Lawrence Kwakye artist page
how can I be human?
I make an effort to visualize the systemic world through my art. Within this world, humanity holds on to its position. The storyline is about how humanity gets lost and struggles because we as humans cannot escape dependency.
It's me
This is the last painting of the year and is about a father-son relationship. In 2024 I decided to take a little break from painting. The plan is to continue the last months of 2024.
See the latest photography based experiments with glow in the dark photography and patterns.

See the latest animation Memory of light inspired by BOB & I. Go to Vimeo link below.
Shaping Narratives
Time’s continuous flow renders today’s actions as tomorrow’s history, highlighting the importance of shaping our narrative now. This holds true as cultural norms, behaviours, and values are embedded in language, intertwining with our upbringing and heritage. Personal experiences stemming from different cultures lead to the complexity of individual perspectives.
Between open borders and isolation (BOB & I) is a multidisciplinary project where dance meets photography and visual art. A project by Lawrence Kwakye and Fernando Dominguez FDR dance company. Performances were held between 2018-2020. Click below for an overview.
Me-We balancing game
Actively participate in a mesmerizing balancing game. This dynamic activity serves as a conduit for experiencing the six fundamental qualities that underpin a thriving community: Safety, Trust, Understanding, Awareness, Relaxation, and Tenderness. A Bullseye level stands as the vigilant observer, tracking the equilibrium of these qualities. This living representation of balance reminds us that in harmony, a thriving community emerges.
Monday, January 20, 2020
I am a traveller escaping reality settings
A true escape artist emanated from the darkness
Longing to discover new roads
Navigated by dimensions not yet seen
It is Between open borders and Isolation
where I become aware of my existence
The In-Between world is my home
Moving and staying
Staying and moving
Reconstructing the reality I find myself in
Locked in dependency
Trying to break out
A new skin for the soul to wear
Seeking morality
Through the eyes of others, I see myself
My existence
My presence
My environment
My skin
Imagining the future
Going elsewhere
My sight made out of choices
I haven’t been there before
That is where the magic happens.
A video of the BOB & I performance in February 2019 during Art Rotteramweek. (by Ksenia ICE VIDEO)
A video artwork based on the BOB & I performance in February 2020 during Art Rotteramweek.
Imprint philosophy
An animation showing the process
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Artist Statement/ BIO
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Diasporadical Statements
Ghana Residency 2018 In this co-creation I have worked with Gerald Nsakie (Ghana) and Damon Davis (US). This creation is based on fashion and the Afrofuturism theme. Most of the materials of the setting are sourced locally.
Styling, bag & skirt design by Lawrence Kwakye (NL) Make up art and sign language by Gerald Nsakie (Ghana) Music by Damon Davis (US)